Welcome To The Eye Clinic of North Dakota

At The Eye Clinic of North Dakota, we want to give you the best quality ophthalmology and Optometry services possible. Check out our highly-trained team of professional doctors below. From regular checkups to full-eye treatment, we strive to understand each patient’s vision concern​​​​​​​s.

LASIK Surgery

LASIK stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis and is a popular surgery to correct vision problems. LASIK can help people who are nearsighted or farsighted, as well those who have astigmatism.

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To ensure that you have healthy eyes, we perform thorough examinations. We also look at the inner eye to make sure your eyes are working the way they are supposed to. We then check your prescription to make sure you can see as well as possible.

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Cataracts are a leading cause of vision issues for people over 40 and are one of the main causes of blindness. A cataract is a clouding of the eye, specifically in the eye’s lens behind the pupil, caused by proteins clumping together.

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Contact Lenses

Many people prefer to wear contacts instead of eyeglasses. Luckily, as advances are made in the optometry field, more and more people are able to wear contacts to improve their vision.

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Welcoming New Patients

New patients keep our business growing, so we are always proud to offer high quality eye care services to our patients.

We also know how overwhelming it can be when you go to a new eye doctor. For this reason, we will do our best to welcome you. We will do everything we can to give you a pleasant visit. We want you to feel comfortable to ask any questions you may have.

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